Mountain Mint

Pycnanthemum virginianum
Has a minty aroma and provides nectar for honey bees!

About Mountain Mint

a.k.a Virginia Mountain Mint this native, is a herbaceous perennial that can grow 2'-3' in height. Desptie being named Mountain Mint, this wildflower more commonly grows in meadows, swamps, and alongside ponds or streams. This plant blooms with clusters of  white flowers between July and September, attracting Honey Bees and Pearl Crescent Butterflies, along with other native pollinators. Pest such as leaf-chewing insects typically leave these plants alone because of the scent of the leaves. The narrow, white-haired leaves produce a strong, but pleasant minty aroma that can be dried and used for teas.


Photo Courtesy of Hardyplants - public domain

Purchase Mountain Mint

Product Details

Height Range: 12 - 36 inches
Seeding Rate: 1/4-1/2 lbs/acre
Seeds Per Pound: 4000000
Lifespan Perennial
Target Solution Moisture Tolerant
Shade Tolerant
Erosion Control
Ideal for Butterflies
Ideal for Bees
Use Ground Cover & Erosion Control
Soil Builder
Color White