Obedient Plant

Physostegia virginiana
Flowers pollinated by Bumblebees!

About Obedient Plant

The Obedient Plant, sometimes referred to as False Dragonhead, is a herbaceous perennial that grows up to 4' tall in full or partial sun, preferring rich, loamy soils. It can also grow in soild containing som eclay or gravel. It produces tall spikes with 4 rows of densely packed, horizontal flowers. The flowers have no scent and can range from white to lavendar and pink in color. 

This wildflower is often found in wetter conditions, growing in prairies, woodland boarders, meadows, or near lakes, seeps, or railroads. Bumblebees are important polliinators of this plant and occasionally butterflies and hummingbirds are attracted to it. 


PHOTO BY Andrea Halfhill

Purchase Obedient Plant

Product Details

Height Range: 12 - 48 inches
Seeding Rate: 4 lbs/ac
Seeds Per Pound: 176000
Lifespan Perennial
Target Solution Moisture Tolerant
Erosion Control
Ideal for Butterflies
Ideal for Bees
Use Landscape & Ornamental
Color Purple