Product Listing
Naturalized Wildflowers
Wildflowers that, while may be common, are not indigenous where they are currently growing
Baby Blue Eyes
Good container or carpet plant
Baby's Breath
Unique white, whispy flower
Blue Flax
A lavish light blue flower
California Poppy
Beautiful yellow-orange flower adapted to most of the U.S.
Candy Tuft
White, pink and lavender bush like plant
Clusters of showy pink flowers
Wonderfully dramatic blue-violet flowers
Small, blue tufted flowers
Corn Poppy
Blooms late spring into summer
Dames Rocket
Show stopping lavender flowers
Drummond Phlox
Blooms profusely from summer until first frost
Evening Primrose
Blooms from afternoon into evening
Gloriosa Daisy
A long lasting cut flower that's easy to grow
Painted Daisy
White, Yellow, Red and Purple... wow!
Scarlet Flax
Deep red blossoms from April to September.
Sensation Cosmos
Red, white and pink blooms
Shasta Daisy
White petals radiating about a yellow center
Siberian Wallflower
Fragrant beauty attracts butterflies
Sulphur Cosmos
Attracts birds and butterflies!