Common Evening Primrose

Oenothera biennis
Tall Biennial With Yellow Flowers

 - Common Evening Primrose  - Common Evening Primrose  - Common Evening Primrose

Out of Stock

Height Range: 36 - 60 inches
Seeding Rate: 1 oz. / 1,000 sq ft
Seeds Per Pound: 1376000
Colors: Yellow
Growing Season: March - August

Common Evening Primrose is a native biennial flower that produces brilliant yellow flowers atop tall erect stems. Blloming between June and October, it appears as a rosette the first year, then becomes tall and flowers in late spring the second year. Common Evening Primrose has bright yellow to gold fragrant flowers that are partially to fully closed during the day and open in the evening. It prefers full sun and sandy soils with medium moisture, although it will grow in most soil types. These brilliant flowers attract birds and insects.