High Elevation Pasture

Excellent grazing pasture that thrives in elevations up to 9,000 ft.

High Elevation Pasture - High Elevation Pasture  - High Elevation Pasture

Purchase High Elevation Pasture

5 lb Bulk Bag $23.50
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Bulk lb 25+ : $4.20
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Seeding Rate: Drilled: 20 Lbs. / Ac | Broadcast: 24 Lbs. / Ac

High Elevation Pasture Mix includes 6 cool season grasses that will provide excellent grazing in altitudes up to 9,000 ft. Annual rainfall of 12 in. / year or more is required for maximum forage production. 

This Mix includes:

  • Oahe Intermediate Wheatgrass
  • Meadow Bromegrass
  • Orchardgrass
  • Perennial Ryegrass
  • Slender Wheatgrass
  • Timothy

The planting of this mix should be timed to take advantage of cooler temperatures and rainfall.  Fertilizer is also needed annually to keep forage production high.