Hardstem Bulrush

Scirpus acutus
Tall wetland species

 - Hardstem Bulrush  - Hardstem Bulrush

Out of Stock

Height Range: 24 - 72 inches
Seeding Rate: 5 PLS lbs/ac
Seeds Per Pound: 300000

Another botanical name that this wetland species goes by is Schoenoplectus acutus. Hardstem Bulrush is a taller wetland species that can get as tall as six feet and may be somewhat aggressive with its rhizomatous roots. It's a perennial cool-season plant, actively growing during the spring and fall when soil temperatures are cool. It prefers fine to medium soil types with medium to wet moisture levels. Many birds and other wetland species use this plant for food or cover.

Photo courtesy of: AndreyZharkikh, CC BY 2.0