Shadow Wildflower Mix

Only four hours of sunlight per day needed.

Shadow Wildflower Mix - Shadow Wildflower Mix  - Shadow Wildflower Mix

Purchase Shadow Wildflower Mix

Bulk lb $52.00
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Ounce $6.00
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Height Range: 24 - 48 inches
Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1 oz. / 150 sq ft or 1 Lb. / 3,500 sq ft | Drilled: 10 Lbs. / Ac
Colors: Blue Orange Pink Purple Red White Yellow
Growing Season: February - August

Use Shadow Wildflower Mix in areas that receive minimal daily sun, noting that the plants in this mix do require at least four hours of direct sunlight in combination with filtered sun to truly flourish. Less sunlight will shorten height and bloom period. 

Plant mid-spring or dormant seed in late fall. Good fertility and occational watering during dry periods will help plants tolerate shady conditions.

Wildflowers included: Baby's Breath*, Blackeyed Susan*, Blue Flax, Catchfly*, Cornflower*, Dames Rocket*, Illinois Bundleflower, Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Mexican Red Hat, New England Aster, Nodding Onion, Ohio Spiderwort, Purple Coneflower, Scarlet Flax*, Shasta Daisy, Showy Goldenrod, Showy Tick Trefoil, Smooth Penstemon, Western Yarrow, Wild Bergamot