Cup Plant

Silphium perfoliatum
A plant with multiple medicinal uses

About Cup Plant

A tall-grass prairie perennial plant that grows up to 8 feet tall.  Cup plant has square stems, and opposite set, egg shaped, toothed leaves with a cuplike base that holds water.  Flower heads are rich, golden yellow and are grouped closely together at the tips of stems.  Cup plant is found primarily on lowlands, along streams, alluvial thickets, floodplains, and on the edges of wet woodlands.  Seeds sown in a greenhouse are transplanted while they are young because they develop an extensive root system.

The flowers attract many pollinators and birds flock to eat the seeds and drink water from the cupped  leaves.  Portions from this plant are used for treatment of liver and spleen disorders.  It has also been used to treat morning sickness. Pieces of the root are used as a face wash, to treat paralysis, back and chest pains, and lung hemorrhages.

Image credited to Douglas Ladd, hosted by USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / USDA SCS. 1989. Midwest wetland flora:  Field Office Illustrated Guide to Plant Species. Midwest National Technical Center, Lincoln

Purchase Cup Plant

Product Details

Height Range: 36 - 96 inches
Seeding Rate: 1oz / 150sq ft
Seeds Per Pound: 24800
Lifespan Perennial
Target Solution Moisture Tolerant
Full Sun
Erosion Control
Ideal for Birds
Ideal for Butterflies
Ideal for Bees
Use Conservation
Ground Cover & Erosion Control
Landscape & Ornamental
Wildlife Habitat & Food
Multi-Purpose Use
Color Yellow