Prairie Partners Mix

Partners on the Prairie, now in your backyard too!
A low growing, fine bladed, native grass mix that makes an attractive, dense sod

About Prairie Partners Mix

Buffalograss and Blue Grama are perennial, warm season native grasses that grow together on native prairie and are also well-suited to grow together in your backyard!  Prairie Partners has a low, slow growth habit, minimal water and fertilizer requirements, and extreme drought tolerance. Blue Grama will germinate faster, green up earlier in spring, appear slightly taller if left unmowed; but together, these two grasses make an attractive sod with increased density that offers an economical way to cover large, outlying areas. This mix works especially well in light or sandy soils.

Plant mid-spring through early summer; irrigate to establish. A starter fertilizer may be required in poor or sandy soils to aid in establishment.

Purchase Prairie Partners Mix

Product Details

Height Range: 4 - 10 inches
Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1 Lb. / 1,000 sq ft | Drilled: 20-30 Lbs. / Ac
Growing Season Warm Season
Lifespan Perennial
Type Bunch-type
Planting Season Spring
Target Solution Drought Tolerant
Sand Tolerant
Full Sun
Use Lawn & Turf