Cody Buffalograss

Buchloe dactyloides
An economical, dependable turfgrass that provides desired establishment, density and drought tolerance

About Cody Buffalograss

Cody Buffalograss has proven itself over the years as the standard to which all other buffalograss varieties are measured. Cody is widely-adapted, but has performed exceptionally well in the south and southwest United States.  Cody provides the establishment, density, and drought tolerance that makes buffalograss so desirable. Roadsides, industrial sites, common areas, and medians are all great places to use Cody.

Six to eight hours of daily sunlight is required and heavy or clay soils are preferred.  Sandy soils may require amendments to aid establishment. Results may vary above 5000 ft in elevation.

Plant in spring or summer.

Developed by the Native Turf Group in cooperation with the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Cody's performance has established itself as an economical, dependable warm-season turfgrass.

Purchase Cody Buffalograss

Product Details

Height Range: 4 - 8 inches
Seeding Rate: 2-3 Bulk Lbs./1,000 sq ft
Seeds Per Pound: 40000
Growing Season Warm Season
Lifespan Perennial
Type Bunch-type
Planting Season Spring
Target Solution Drought Tolerant
Full Sun
High Traffic
Quick Establishment
Low Maintenance
Use Ground Cover & Erosion Control
Landscape & Ornamental
Lawn & Turf