Intermediate Wheatgrass

Thinopyrum intermedium ssp.
Ideal forage for hay and pasture ground

About Intermediate Wheatgrass

Intermediate Wheatgrass is a cool season sod-forming grass ideally suited for cool season pasture and well-adapted to the northern Great Plains region of the United States. It has good seedling vigor and can be seeded in the spring or fall. 

Uses include:

  • Pasture
  • Hay
  • Erosion Control

The Oahe variety is ideal for hay and pasture ground as well as areas where soil conservation is an issue. It is a blue-green cool season grass spreading by rhizomes which is drought tolerant and winter hardy.


Beefmaker Intermediate Wheatgrass

Beefmaker, a sod-forming, cool season perennial grass, is a new release specifically for yearling beef cattle, from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Agriculturure Service at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln (UNL). 

Beefmaker Wheatgrass is broadly adapted and produces forage that is high in in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and protein. Beefmaker is ideally adapted for concentration in the tall, mid-grass and short-grass regions of the Central Great Plains. In forage trials across the region, Beefmaker had the highest average IVDMD and protein levels of all entries.

In mixes or planted alone, Beefmaker will improve gains in cattle and also make a nutritous addition for other animals as well.

Look for the varieties Oahe and Beefmaker in our Cool Season Pasture Mix.

Purchase Intermediate Wheatgrass

Product Details

Height Range: 36 - 48 inches
Seeding Rate: Drilled: 12-15 Lbs. / Ac
Seeds Per Pound: 66000
Growing Season Cool Season
Lifespan Perennial
Type Sod-forming
Planting Season Early Spring
Target Solution Drought Tolerant
Use Forage