Purple Meadow Rue

Thalictrum dasycarpum
Unique flowers and few predators

About Purple Meadow Rue

Purple Meadow Rue is a perennial wildflower with a central, tenete-shaped stem that is purple and green in color and branches out near the top. There are both male and female plants, males having slightly showier flowers, that are cross-pollinated by the wind. With no petals, these flowers multiple pistils and stamen sway in the breeze. 

It thrives best in full sun or light shade with wet or mesic (partly wet) conditions. It prefers loamy soils and can be found in river-bottom prairies, on the edges of woodlands, near ravines, or in swampy/marshy areas. 

Very few insects or invertibrates feed on this plant.

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Product Details

Height Range: 36 - 84 inches
Seeding Rate: 3oz. / 1,000 sq. ft
Seeds Per Pound: 190000