Blue Wild Indigo

Baptisia australis
Recognized as a native bee attractant

About Blue Wild Indigo

Blue Wild Indigo is also known as Blue False Indigo becasue it is not a true Indigo plant.  It is a perennial, deep rooted warm season legume. The plant is an erect stem that branches and flowers at the top.  In nature it grows bordering woodland areas, and in open prairies.  It is not shade tolerant so does not grow well as an indoor plant.  Preferred soil types are gravelly, sandy, and well drained loams.  It displays good winter hardiness and grows between USDA hardiness zones 3 to 10.

Cherokees and Early Pioneeers used the plant as a source of blue dye. It was also used for teas and medicinal purposes.  It is currently used as an ornemental or as a decorative border in outdoor gardens.  This species does well without irrigation or fertilizer applications.  Blue Wild Indigo pods are used in dried flower arrangements.  The blooms add good color to cut flower arrangements but do not last long. Nitrogen fixation is a benefit of planting Blue Wild Indigo.

Image credited to Clarence A. Recenthin, USDA NRCS Texas State Office, hosted by the USDA - NRCS PLANTS Database.

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Product Details

Height Range: 18 - 48 inches
Seeding Rate: 5 PLS lb/ac
Seeds Per Pound: 25000