Deer Tongue

Dichanthelium clandestinum
Tolerant of very low soil pH!

About Deer Tongue

Deer tongue is a perennial, warm-season grass native to the Eastern United States and Southeast Canada.  It grows well on non-cultivated soil.  It is unique in that it is tolerant of very low soil pH with an aluminum concentration that is toxic to many species and light-textured soil that is droughty and infertile.  A lime and starter fertilizer application at planting time is recommended with a follow-up fertilizer application after emergence.  Once established it can be maintained without additional fertilizer requirements.

Deertongue is most commonly planted in a mix with other warm-season grasses. Seed should be planted as early as possible in the spring or in a dormant seeding.  It is best planted with a grain or grass drill less than 1 inch deep and the establishment is slow.  If the site dictates broadcast seeding, then it is recommended to also spread lime and fertilizer and track or roll it into the soil.  Mulching is beneficial except in sand or gravel seedbeds.


Photo #2 Courtesy of: R. A. Nonenmacher, CC BY-SA 4.0

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Product Details

Height Range: 12 - 36 inches
Seeding Rate: 1-3 pls lbs / Ac in a mix
Seeds Per Pound: 400000