Wildflowers Advice

I live in North western Arkansas I need colorful wildflowers from spring to fall..

Our Stocks Wildflower mixture would provide that for you. There are 30 species of flowers in the mix (11 annuals and 19 perennials). You can still plant this year and expect the first flowers to begin blooming in 8-10 weeks with more blooms following throughout the year. The next year there will be blooms beginning in early to mid spring and lasting all through the season. Blooms will also increase year by year as the perennial flowers establish. 1 lb of this mix will cover about 3,500 sq ft. The cost per lb is $30.00. Thank you!
We planted wildflowers in April of 2008,on a hillside when do we burn it off? Plus right now there is a lot of brown stems, do we have to break those off if we don't burn this year?

It may be a little late to burn wildflowers. They break dormancy earlier than native grasses and burning now may harm them. I would suggest using a weed eater to knock down last years residue and then an early burn next spring in late March or early April. Thank you!
Which wildflower mixture do you recommend for clay soil in full sun? I want a border for my backyard, as it backs right up to our cornfields. Thanks!
Any of the wildflower mixtures will do well in clay soil and full sun. For a backyard border, the Backyard Retreat http://www.stockseed.com/mixes_product_display.asp?pid=468 is a nice choice. For a shorter border, try the Husker Lil mix http://www.stockseed.com/mixes_product_display.asp?pid=433.