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Mixtures Advice
Stocks wildflower mixture; do you have percentage list for the different flowers in this mixture. If this mixture is seeded with grasses like indian grass,little blue stem or big blue stem will the flowers eventually be smothered out. What happens if native grasses are burned after the 1st yr. What is the best way to plant wildflower & grass if the ground is too rocky & rough for a drill.In ohio can I broadcast seed in late noverber and let freezing & thawing do it. Is there going to be ample supply of wildflower seed for next spring.
8% of both Blue Flax and Cornflower... 6% of Dames Rocket, Perennial Lupine, and Purple Prairieclover... 4% or less of everything else in the Stocks Wildflower Mixture. You can seed this mixture with Indiangrass and Big Blue Stem, however, some of the flowers will not make it. I would recommend mixing the Stocks Wildflower Mixture with the Prairie 3+ Mixture (both found on the mixtures page of our website). Broadcasting is the best way if you cannot drill the seed. If you are going to do a fall seeding, wait until after the first freeze to do the seeding. However, I would wait until spring for the best results. And, yes... our supply of most wildflower seed will be good. If there is something specific you are looking for, let me know and I will check the crop and availability for you.
would the praire plus 3 mixture be ok to plant between taylor junipers?
Planting this mixture between taylor junipers is fine. Just keep in mind that the mixture enjoys eight or more hours of sun per day... as long as this is happening, then planting between these tress should be fine.
If I have a tree in my yard will the prairie 3 plus prairiegrass mix survive underneath or should I plant the shady grass mix there?
Depends on the tree. For most deciduous trees, the mixture will still grow well as long as there is at least 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. However, certain deciduous trees, such as maple, have root systems close to the surface and can rob the grass of needed water. For evergreens, the mixture will perform well as long as the branches are trimmed high. The shady mixture would work better if there is deep shade but keep in mind the extra watering requirments... irrigation may become necessary.
What are the seeding rates for mixtures, and can I plant a different amount than what is recommended?
The seeding rates differs for each mixture. Take a look at the bottom of each mixture page for the seeding rate for that mix.
Seeding rates may be cut back for more economical plantings, however, a reduced rate may result in replanting because of thinner stand and less competition against weeds. If reducing our recommended rate when blending, we strongly recommend no less than one-half rate of each for adequate stand.
When figuring seed requirements, remember that broadcasting requires more seed than drilling to achieve comparable results.
Seeding rates may be cut back for more economical plantings, however, a reduced rate may result in replanting because of thinner stand and less competition against weeds. If reducing our recommended rate when blending, we strongly recommend no less than one-half rate of each for adequate stand.
When figuring seed requirements, remember that broadcasting requires more seed than drilling to achieve comparable results.