Long Term Management of Prairiegrass

Mowing or shredding can be done in late fall to eliminate dead material if desired; however, standing grasses will provide great beauty, as well as valuable wildlife habitat if left over the winter. Mowing or shredding in the spring should be done before grasses break dormancy.

As your prairiegrass planting matures, weed problems decrease, but you must be vigilant of perennial weeds that may persist.

Spring burning (March-April) can help control weeds, small trees and cool-season grasses, and stimulate the native grass at the same time. Do not burn until after the second year. Early spring burning avoids hurting the grass and wildflower seedlings. Observe local laws.

Fertilizer may not be necessary unless your planting is under heavy use, such as haying or pasture, although plants require necessary nutrients to remain healthy and robust. Follow soil test recommendations.

When pasturing native grass, use the old pioneer's advice, "Take half and leave half." That advice will keep your planting healthy and vigorous for many lifetimes.