Three Square Bulrush

Scirpus pungens
Multi-use wetland native

 - Three Square Bulrush

Out of Stock

Height Range: 12 - 48 inches
Seeding Rate: 8 PLS lbs/ac
Seeds Per Pound: 190000

Three Square Bulrush is a cool-season, rhizomatous, grasslike perennial that often grows in wet meadows or marshes. It grows best in medium wet to wet, moderately fine soils with shade or full sun. Good for riparian reclamation, stormwater management, or erosion control because plants can withstand emergent situations for long periods. The seeds are readily consumed by ducks while geese and muskrats will feed on the roots. when plants are submerged underwater, the plant becomes a host to many invertebrates, which in turn are food for fish, reptiles, amphibians, and ducks.

Photo Courtesy of: Andrey Zharkikh, CC BY 2.0