Sensitive Briar

Schrankia nuttallii
Foliage responds to touch!

About Sensitive Briar

Sennsitive Briar is a creeping prennial with bright pink, ball-shaped blooms early in the Summer. The leaflets of this plant fold up when touched or disturbed, they also close at night. Growing up to 3' in height, stems are viney and have small, curved thorns. The Sensitive Briar provides a food source for deer, turkey, and quail. It also provides nectar for insects. 

This wildflower grows best in open fields or dry rocky areas with full sun, but can also grow near woodland openinings. It prefers dry to medium-dry soils and can reach lengths up to 4'.

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Product Details

Height Range: 2 - 3 inches
Seeding Rate: 1lb / 1,000 sq. ft
Seeds Per Pound: 27800