Weeping Lovegrass

Eragrostis curvula
Good as a nurse crop or for temporary erosion control

Weeping Lovegrass - Weeping Lovegrass Weeping Lovegrass - Weeping Lovegrass  - Weeping Lovegrass

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Height Range: 12 - 48 inches
Seeding Rate: 3-5 lbs / acre alone or 1-2 lbs / ac in a mix
Seeds Per Pound: 1500000

Weeping Lovegrass is a rapid growth warm season bunch grass. Bunches can grow to 12-15 inches in diameter by the end of the second year.  It exhibits fast root growth that make it drought tolerant.  Introduced to the United States from East Africa.  It grows great in the southern great plains and south werstern part of the U. S. on light textured, well drained soils. Preference is sandy loams. Low winter temperatures prevent regrowth and casue the species to act as an annual or short lived perennial.  It is easy to establish from seed but requires proper equipment due to the extremely fine seed. Increase seeding rates and use a carrieer such as sand or fine sawdust when broadcast seeding.

It is used primarily as temporary cover for erosion control or as a nurse crop for seeding crops such as sericea lespedeza or switchgrass.

Images are coutesy of USDA - NRCS PLANTS Database.